Meet our Pastor

Rev. Mikayla Sauerbrey

Hello! I’m Pastor Mikayla (She/Her). I was ordained in 2024 and am originally from the suburbs of the Twin Cities in Minnesota. While I’ll always be a Minnesotan at heart, I have absolutely loved relocating to the Lehigh Valley since accepting the call to Calvary.

Growing up I always loved the Church. I loved getting to spend time at Church, but mostly I just loved being with the people who called themselves the Church and learning more about Jesus. However, as I grew I became more aware that while the Church can be a wonderful community for many, this is not everyone’s experience and acknowledging the complexities and ills of the Church matters greatly. Into adulthood, I remained committed to exploring my faith and a divine call I felt to help create and foster safe faith communities for all, so after receiving an undergraduate degree in Child and Family Ministry, I started my Master of Divinity pursuit out at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California in 2019. After joining the Moravian Church’s ordination process in 2021 I transferred to Moravian Theological Seminary in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania where I ultimately completed my degree program in 2023.

Faith can be a sticky and tricky thing, can’t it? Church too can be beautiful, but because the church is not merely a building but the people who engage with it, it can also be full of complexities. As a pastor I have a heart for engaging Scripture and Christian practice with critical thinking and an emphasis on context. The Bible is complicated and yet I do believe there is still a story worth engaging with there. It is always my hope and motivation as a pastor, in all the work that I do, to create space for people who doubt, who question, who at times reluctantly still believe, and for those remain tenaciously faithful.

My hope and prayer for you is that you know first and foremost that you are so fully loved by the God who created you, just as you are, and second, that you are always welcome here at Calvary. We are a community open and welcoming to all, so please, come join us sometime and introduce yourself! I hope to meet you soon.